Pathology Hadith Studies Area of Family

Document Type : Research/Original/Regular



the comprehension of sayings within the domain of women faces serious challenges .On the one hand, the interpretations of fake narratives depicts a misogynist portray of Islam.On the other hand,their lack of thorough comprehension results in either putting them completely aside or biasly interpreting them.The consideration of the impacts of saying comprehension with the female's domain by saying scholars not only can cause brightening critics of the contradictory sayings to those of wisdom, Koran and the Sunna, but also prevents the harms of new theories and social processes which try to exploit women's soul and body under the the name of liberty and women's rights and eventually results in the ruining of family base.The most important harms of saying analysis include distance from Koran, neglecting the manner conduct of the Sunna, conflicting the wisdom,disregarding the existence of fake sayings, Age thinking continues ignorant
not being aware of proven new findings of experimental and human sciences in the realm of women studies,extremities and not taking the women's munificnce as the center


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