تجربه زیسته زنان سرپرست خانوار در مناسبات اجتماعی در شهر یاسوج

نوع مقاله : پژوهشی اصیل


1 دانشیار گروه علوم اجتماعی ، دانشگاه یاسوج،کهگیلویه و بویراحمد، ایران

2 گروه علوم اجتماعی ، دانشگاه یاسوج،کهگیلویه و بویراحمد، ایران


در میان زنان که تقریبا نیمی از سرمایۀ انسانی هر کشور هستند؛ گروهی از آنان تحت عنوان" زنان سرپرست خانوار"می‌باشند که اخیرا آمارشان نیز رو به افزایش بوده است. به این دلیل که در مقایسه با سایر زنان مسئولیت بیشتری برعهده دارند و به مراتب آسیب‌پذیرترند؛ نیاز به شناخت بیشتری دارند. در این راستا پژوهش حاضر با روش پدیدارشناسی و بر اساس الگوی روشی ماکس ونمنن به دنبال واکاوی تجربه زیسته زنان سرپرست خانوار در مناسبات اجتماعی آنان می‌‌باشد. به این منظور 11 زن سرپرست، با روش نمونه‌گیری هدفمند انتخاب و مورد مصاحبۀ عمیق قرار گرفتند. نتایج پژوهش در چهار بُعد روابط، فضا، زمان و بدن زیستۀ آنان گزارش شده است. در بُعد روابط زیسته،" تلاش برای فاصله‌گیری" و "بازاندیشی رابطه‌ها" دو محوری اصلی است که روابط این زنان را پوشش می‌دهد. بعبارتی، این زنان به دلایلی مانند بی‌اعتمادی از اطرافیان فاصله می‌گیرند و در یک فضای جدید ارتباطی، روابط متفاوتی را تجربه می‌کنند. "اهمیت بدن در کسب شرافت زن" و"بدن محملی برای رفع حاجات" دو سویۀ متضادی هستند که این زنان در برخورد متعارض با بدن خود برگزیده‌اند. ناامنی فضای زیسته در کنار دیگر شرایط زندگی این زنان، زمان را برایشان بیشتر از دیگر انسان‌ها، مبهم، مشروط و نامتعین کرده است. بنابراین تجربۀ زیستۀ زنان سرپرست خانوار در ایران باهمراه داشتن یک تناقض ساختاری و ذاتی در درون خود، "مناسبات متعارض و روابط ناپایداری"را برایشان رقم زده است. به طوری که بی‌‌اعتمادی، بی‌ثباتی و مسموم بودن فضا و رابطه‌ها، نگرانی مشترک همۀ زنان سرپرست خانوار مورد مطالعه می‌باشد.

تازه های تحقیق

نتایج پژوهش در چهار بُعد روابط، فضا، زمان و بدن زیستۀ آنان گزارش شده است. در بُعد روابط زیسته،" تلاش برای فاصله‌گیری" و "بازاندیشی رابطه‌ها" دو محوری اصلی است که روابط این زنان را پوشش می‌دهد. بعبارتی، این زنان به دلایلی مانند بی‌اعتمادی از اطرافیان فاصله می‌گیرند و در یک فضای جدید ارتباطی، روابط متفاوتی را تجربه می‌کنند. "اهمیت بدن در کسب شرافت زن" و"بدن محملی برای رفع حاجات" دو سویۀ متضادی هستند که این زنان در برخورد متعارض با بدن خود برگزیده‌اند. ناامنی فضای زیسته در کنار دیگر شرایط زندگی این زنان، زمان را برایشان بیشتر از دیگر انسان‌ها، مبهم، مشروط و نامتعین کرده است. بنابراین تجربۀ زیستۀ زنان سرپرست خانوار در ایران باهمراه داشتن یک تناقض ساختاری و ذاتی در درون خود، "مناسبات متعارض و روابط ناپایداری"را برایشان رقم زده است. به طوری که بی‌‌اعتمادی، بی‌ثباتی و مسموم بودن فضا و رابطه‌ها، نگرانی مشترک همۀ زنان سرپرست خانوار مورد مطالعه می‌باشد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Lived Experience of Women-Headed of Households in Social Relations in Yasouj

نویسندگان [English]

  • Maryam Mokhtari 1
  • Hamideh Dehghani 2

1 Associate prof. Department of social sciences in Yasouj university, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Yasouj University

2 Department of social sciences ,Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Yasouj university, Iran

چکیده [English]

Among women, who make up almost half of every country's human capital; a group of them are called "women heads of households". Because they have more responsibility and are far more vulnerable; They need more knowledge. In this regard, the present study seeks to analyze the lived experience of this women in their social relations with the phenomenological method based on the Max Wenmann method. So 11 women were selected by purposive sampling method and in-depth interviews. The results of the research are reported in four dimensions of relationships including: space, relationships, time and lived body. In dimension of lived relationships, "trying to distance oneself" and "rethinking relationships" are the two main axes that cover these women's relationships. In other word, the women who are their reasons such as lack of trust and communication in a new space, different relations experience. "The importance of the body in gaining a woman's dignity" and "the body of a burden to meet needs" are two opposing aspects that these women have chosen in their conflicting treatment of their bodies. The insecurity of the living space, along with other living conditions of these women, has made time more vague, conditional and indefinite for them than other human beings. Thus, the life experience of this women in Iran, along with a structural and inherent contradiction within themselves, has given them "conflicting relationships and unstable relationships." So that mistrust, instability and poisoning of space and relationships is a common concern of all women heads of households.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • women heads of households
  • Social relations
  • Yasouj

Extended Abstract

Background and purpose

The quality of the social status and women’s position in any society can be one of the prominent indicators of the civilizational characteristics of that society. A group of women called “women-headed households” are experiencing a more fragile situation because of their duties and responsibilities. An important issue for this group of women is, firstly, their increasing number and secondly, a general agreement on their vulnerability. Since addressing the experiences and relationships of women-headed households is a missing link in previous studies, the present study examines the lived experience of women-headed households in Yasouj with a new and phenomenological perspective and seeks to discover their worries and concerns.



The research used a hermeneutic phenomenological method (Max Van Manen, 1990). Van Manen identifies four basic themes in phenomenological studies, the lived body, lived human relations, lived time, and lived space, and referred to them as “existence” (Van Manen, 1990). Accordingly, the present study explores the lived experiences of eleven women-headed households using the purposive sampling method in Yasouj. In this study, we tried to interview women of different ages and education in working and housewife groups. The data collection method has been a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions, in which first a general question was asked in each dimension of lived experiences, followed by other exploratory questions to further expanding the main question.



The study’s results have been analyzed in four areas that, altogether, make up the lived world of women-headed households. In relation to lived relationships, the two main themes of “trying to distance” and “rethinking relationships” cover most of the social ties of women-headed households. That is, a significant number of women interviewed have tried to stay away from others for various reasons, such as lack of trust and fear of abuse, and stay at home. In response to this situation, some have developed a kind of rethinking in their relationships and have experienced a new form of relationship, especially with the “opposite sex.” In fact, relationship with the opposite sex is the most challenging dimension of these women’s relationships. In this particular type of relationship, women-headed households are divided into three categories: conservative (not having a relationship with the opposite sex), moderates (having few and secret relationships), and extremists (engaging in risky and uncontrolled sex). Suppression, due to the fear of being labeled, is the the strategy of conservatives. Risk-taking and covert relationship is the strategy of the extremists. And crossing the line, is the end of the extremists. In relation to lived body, a positive body image is what all women interviewed agree on. But the two opposing strains of the importance of the body in gaining the dignity of woman and body as an instrument in meeting the needs in this lived dimension are opposed to each other. Some suppress their sexual needs, and others recklessly seek their physical pleasures and the feeling of joy and attention they get from this, believing that a woman’s body and femininity are beneficial to them. In the lived space dimension, the interviewees agreed on the insecurity and toxicity of the real and virtual living space, as well as dissatisfaction with the rules and an environment devoid of trust. The uncertainty of time and the conditions that their situation has created for them become a prominent feature of the lived time dimension of women-headed households. Time is precarious and conditional for them. They are alive but in the hope of their children. They hope, but contingent upon their work.


The results show that distrust, instability, and toxicity of the space have overshadowed most women-headed households’ lives. The first changes took place in their social relations and then have created a new identity and self-concept for them. Identities that, according to Goffman, were born through their different social actions (Iman and Golmoradi, 2011) and are damaged by the stigma of homelessness, loneliness, and singlehood. Moreover, as Parsons shows in the form of pattern variables, human beings in his social actions have a mutual relationship with society, and in any actual situation have to decide how to act (Panahi and Yazdanpanah, 2004); The resulting categories in the studied dimensions show that the life and lived experience of women-headed households in Iran suffer from a structural contradiction. In relation to the lived relationships dimension, they have either decided to have an excessive relationship or have no relationship at all. In relation to the lived time, they are so confused that they do not know what time they live in and what their life depends on. In relation to their lived body, they either suppress it or, as Foucault (Aghaei and Khalili, 2017) put it, to increase their bargaining power, they pursue their ideal self to redefine their individuality in harmony with others (Turner, 2003). In general, regarding the sexual life dimension of women-headed households, it can be said that being trapped in a traditional fence, the lack of protective laws on the sexual needs of women-headed households, the taboo of sexual needs, and not paying enough attention to this issue, has caused their sexual needs to be ignored. The result is either the single and depressed women-headed households women who have recklessly sought to satisfy their needs beyond all laws and norms. Since the number of these women is growing in the world and in Iran for various reasons, it is necessary to help women maintain a dignified and healthy life, free from promiscuity, to meet their needs through a firm management policy on women’s issues and by providing legal and cultural infrastructure. Therefore, planning to empower them, improving their human-social relations and ties, living in a calm and safe environment, and finally creating the best-lived experiences for them must be placed on the top of the plans of societies and governments’ programs.


Ethical considerations

Compliance with the research ethics

Due to the high sensitivity of the research subject, we considered the participant’s informed consent, anonymity, information confidentiality, and the right to exit the study at any time as essential moral ethics.

Funding: The present study has not received any financial support.

Authors' Contribution: While the corresponding author was Maryam Mokhtari, and the second author was Hamideh Dehghani, the role of the corresponding author can be considered as drawing the line of thought of different stages of research and the second author has the role of conducting in-depth interviews. Other research-related activities include collaboration between the two authors.

Conflict of interest: This research does not directly or indirectly conflict with interests.

Acknowledgments: We want to appreciate from all of the women who, talked with us via in- depth interviews in order to conduct the research.

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